Frequently Asked Questions

SkyTest® Preparation Software for Swiss and Cargolux

1. I receive an “Overflow” error notice starting the Instrument Coordination Test.

There might be too many control devices active (problem known with “Saitek Pro Flight Yoke™”). Put all throttles not needed in full thrust position do deactivate them (blue and red throttles).

2. The "Stress-Tolerance-Test" doesn't start.

It seems that the joystick control of the software was not installed correctly (should be done automatically with the installation). Therefore, I ask you to download one of the following files and install this required component again (don't worry if the setup of such file which has to be run once is in German language). Then the Stress Tolerance Test will work.

For Windows Vista / 7:

For Windows XP etc.:

If the problem still exists, please download and install the following file (1 mb).