Planning Ability Test
Back to: SkyTest® Preparation Software for NATS ATCO ScreeningObjective of Planning Ability Test is to audit your notional planning capacity in developing situations in terms of foresighted decision making under time pressure. The test setup compiles abstracted airspaces that comprise multiple checkpoints and airport runways. A static snapshot states the current situation in a respective airspace. You are to find the answers to problems that regard starting or landing aircraft by developing a dynamic planning concept under which the situation could progress. Several rules that need to be complied with have to be taken into account in this effort.
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Training modules comprised
- FEAST 1: Big Numbers Comprehension
- FEAST 1: Coordinate System Test
- FEAST 1: Cube Folding Test
- FEAST 1: Divided Attention Test
- FEAST 1: Learning and Applying Rules
- FEAST 1: Memorize Pictograms
- FEAST 1: Planning Ability Test
- FEAST 1: Spot the side
- FEAST 2: Dynamic Radar Test
- FEAST 2: Multi Control Test
- FEAST 2: Strip Display Management Test
- Arithmetic Problems from Aviation
- Basic Checking
- Collision Avoidance Test
- Diagramming
- Planning Ability Test
- Relative Direction Test
- Spatial Orientation Trainer
- Spatial Reasoning Test I
- Spatial Reasoning Test II
- Strip Display Management Test
- Add.: Matrices Test
- Add.: Arithmetic Problems
- Add.: Ballpark
- Add.: Gears Problems
- Add.: Mental Arithmetic